Moments at Secret Beach

Stop number two on day 6 of our oregon road trip was a spot we had been stalking on instagram ever since we started planning this trip.

secret beach.

we didn’t think it was possible, but somehow this spot was even more breath taking in real life than any photos we had seen.

it really is true that pictures just can’t do a place justice. nothing can compare to the feeling that a place can wash over you when you see it with your own eyes. how special it is to take in the natural beauty of this spot of earth. the uniqueness; the wildness; the colours; the smells and the sounds. it’s just so incredible.

the tide was low enough that we could walk right into a sea cave, which was just about the coolest thing ever…

once again, this place didn’t seem quite real… the waterfall on the beach, the smooth untouched sand, the dark sea cave, the sound of the waves…

if not for the photos, i sometimes wonder if the memories would fade enough for these moments to just feel like the most wonderful day dream.

once again, we both agreed that we could spend an entire day in this spot. but we still had one more spot to see before we headed back to our hotel…


land bridges really do exist


hello oregon coast