land bridges really do exist

our final stop on day 6 of the oregon roadie was at the land bridges

i stayed up top on a cliff to take photos while jer walked across the land bridge. i’m not going to lie, i was more than a little nervous watching him make his way across what looked to be a tiny trail with nothing but raging ocean waves and jagged rocks down below…

but he survived, so everything is fine.

just as i was packing up our gear to walk down to meet him, the sun broke through the clouds that had been hovering all day, and we were actually blessed with about 5 minutes of sunset golden hour glow…

once agian, this spot was magic. i will never forget the sky that night. the clouds were stormy but the sun broke through just enough to colour them in the most incredible bright orangey-pink.

what a way to finish off uor first day on the oregon coast.


a walk on the dunes


Moments at Secret Beach